One Minute Dialogues! #1 Shopping for a Gift!

Hello friends! 1 Minute Dialogues are launched today on my channel, and I am very curious if you' ll like them! Let's begin with a simple one for beginners.

Shopping for a gift

Greek Dialogue

-Γεια σας. Τι θα θέλατε;
-Μπορώ να κοιτάξω;
-Αυτό πόσο κάνει;
-Έξι ευρώ.
-Και αυτό;
-Εννέα ευρώ.
-Θα πάρω αυτό.
-Ωραία; Είναι για δώρο;
-Ναι, παρακαλώ.
-Κύριε! Μισό λεπτό*! Τα ρέστα σας!
-Α! Ευχαριστώ πολύ.
-Τίποτα*. Καλή σας ημέρα.

English Translation

-Good morning.
-Hello. What would you like?
-Can I browse (look)?
-How much is this?
-6 euros.
-And this?
-9 euros.
-I will take this one.
-Nice. Is it a gift?
-Yes, please.
-Here you are.
-Thank you.
-Sir! One moment! Your change!
-Ah! Thank you very much.
-No problem. (lit. nothing). Have a nice day.

I've added some background noises to make it more interesting, but also to help your ears adjust to a more realistic environment! You're not going to hear the language only in complete silence, after all!

*Μισό λεπτό: half a minute
In Greek, we could both say, "ένα λεπτό" - one minute, or "μισό λεπτό" when we want to stall or stop someone.

*Τίποτα : nothing
Indefinite pronoun (indeclinable). In Greek, it is also used to reply to "Thank you". "It was nothing", "My pleasure".  More informal but very common. Much like the French "De rien".
